
Multi includes different styles of timeline. It’s possible to control thingslike colors, arrow direction and order of elements. Create yourcustom timeline easily.


  • Stock market debut

    Very special day for the company. Funds from stock market will b invested in development and improvements of current products.

  • Launches new features and improvements

    Multi includes carefully-tailored pages and demos aimed at specific business, like: agency, hotet, magazine and more.


  • Launches first product

    Multi’s goal is to help you build beautiful looking, highest quality code, unique and modern websites – easy, fast and with the lowest cost possible.

  • Company starts

    After few years of preparations. comapny finally starts. Few team members are working hard on first product.

  • The big bang
    A very long time ago



Arrow position – set the arrow display to top, bottom, or no arrow.

Line color – set the timeline line color.

Dot color – set the timeline dots color.

Class – add a custom CSS class to your timeline.

ID – add a custom CSS ID to your timeline.

Style – add an inline CSS style to your timeline.

Background color – set the event’s background color.

Border color – set the event’s border color.