StepWith this clean and simple block, you can easily create a step-by-step process illustration table for your readers, including text and a headline.Step 1PurchaseSimply buy your copy of Multi! Please remember that one license is valid per one website. Thanks for your order!Step 2CustomizeBuild your amazing website in record time! Our support staff will be happy to help you if needed.Step 3LaunchAfter you finished the customization process it’s time to go online! Monitor the improvements in web analytics.OptionsOptionsHTML tag – set a HTML tag for your step’s title.Title – add a title to your step.Border color – set the border color for your step’s title and content.Title color – set the title color to your step’s title text.Class – add a custom CSS class to your step.ID – add a custom CSS ID to your step.Style – add an inline CSS style to your step.View More Documentation