
Multi includes highly customizable slider based. It’s possible to control thingsrelated to design like dots and arrows positions, but also animations speed and many more. It’s possible to put any block inside the slider block. There are no limits like on other themes on the market.




Title – add a title to your slider.

Title style – set the title style from Heading 1 to Heading 10 or choose the default setting from the Customizer.

Full width – set your slider to full page width. This option works with a wide, no-sidebar page layout.

Infinite – choose whether to display your slides as an infinite loop or to end at a last one.

Center – display your slides with a centered view with partial previous/next slides.

Center padding – you can add left and right padding to your slider when it’s in center mode. The more padding you add, the smaller your slides get. For center padding to work correctly, its value should be bigger than gutter size value. Use any CSS-compatible padding value.

Center slide content – use this option to vertically align your slides’ content to the center.

Animation speed [milliseconds] – set your slider’s animation speed in milliseconds.

Slides to show – set a number of slides to show at a time.