Recent ProjectsShow your recent projects in optional slider, column grid, or a beautiful masonry. You can show or hide exerpts, headlines or buttons.Recent projectsMulti Theme and BuilderMulti DivingMultiSkiMultiPizzaMultiEventMulti Web DevelopmentMultiArchitectMultiCateringOptionsOptionsSlider – choose whether to display your recent projects as a slider or as regular columns.Title – add a title to your recent projects.Number of projects – set the number of projects you’d like to display.Show headline – show or hide each project’s title.Show project excerpt – show or hide projects’ excerpt text.Excerpt length – set the lenght of the excerpt text you want to display.Show “View” button – show or hide the “View” button.Show “Go” button – show or hide the “Go” button.Project link target – when clicked, images and headlines can lead to a project’s page or to an image lightbox.View More Documentation