Deeplink Hider

Deeplink shortcode allows you to hide your affiliate/paid/unwanted links from search engine bots. It also protects you from losing link juice and penalty for too much affiliate links. Only available in Multi! You can’t find it in other themes on the market.

Show More, Show Less Blocks

This technique is used by experienced SEO veterans to improve SEO. Multi is the first theme on the market with this unique feature. Hide your affiliate or paid links and improve your search engine ranking and control link juice.


Open in new tabThis is affiliate link to ThemeForest. The link looks and works like a standard link for users, but search engine bots see it as regular text, not link. The link is not passing the link juice or PageRank. Use deeplink shortcode and don’t lose your link juice anymore! Protect your website from penalty targeted to affiliate websites.


[deeplink url="" tooltip="Open in new tab"]This is affiliate link to ThemeForest[/deeplink]



url – URL of link, e.g.

same_tab – yes or no. If set to yes then opens link in new tab.

tooltip – set tooltip text, e.g. “Click here to open in new tab”

Switch your theme to Multi and feel the difference