Why Multi Is the Best Website Builder for WordPress?

Multi Website Builder

Multi Builder is based on Gutenberg editor

Gutenberg is a completely free, native WordPress page editor, as well as the world’s most popular page builder. Every WordPress installation has a default Gutenberg block editor activated. From its very beginnings, Multi Builder is developed and updated alongside Gutenberg. It is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor and always up to date with its updates. This makes Multi a guaranteed match!

Multi Builder works directly in WordPress editor

Multi Builder is a drag and drop page builder with a great variety of different building blocks.

And the best part?

To edit your page, you don’t need to leave the WordPress editor at all! Some popular page builders (like Elementor) create a different environment for editing pages or posts. This way you work kind of outside WordPress, and specific widgets don’t really get along with Gutenberg blocks.

Since Multi is fully compatible with the new WordPress block editor, you stay in the default WP environment at all times. It’s faster, it’s more convenient, and it works great with Gutenberg blocks, too!

Multi Builder blocks have a live preview

To streamline your creative process even further, we decided to provide an accurate live preview of your design. It works right in the editor and reflects your projects in detail, including layout, colors, margins, hover effects, and more. This way you can review your process in real-time, without the need to save and preview each design change directly on the page.

Multi Builder is “no-code” website builder

You can build your amazing website without any coding skills. Blocks are configurated using different options. For example, you can easily change colors, position, spacings, typography, animations, and many more. We believe that creating any type of website should be easy and everybody should be able to do it without coding. GitHub CEO has similar vision.

We think the future of coding is no coding at all. We think autonomous coding is a very real thing.

GitHub CEO

Multi Builder blocks generate super clean code

Multi’s clean code structure is a feature that makes it truly stand out from its competition. Don’t compromise between a powerful page builder and lean, good quality code ever again. Multi creates the lowest number of nested elements possible.

Let us break that down:

Multi’s Headline Block directly creates a headline, whereas other page builders generate many additional divs. For example, both Elementor and Beaver Builder add 9 more divs, and Divi – even as many as 11 additional divs.

Multi Builder does not generate any inline CSS

Some of the page builders that are available on the market still generate inline CSS code. It’s an obsolete method that interferes with code structure clarity and page speed. Multi Builder, on the other hand, doesn’t insert any inline CSS to your code. You can fully customize each of your website’s building blocks, but without worrying about the page speed and SEO ratings.

Multi Builder has unique and useful blocks and features

Multi’s drag and drop blocks are full of really powerful features. This lets you add almost any page or post element you may need or imagine. Multi opens up a world of possibilities for your website design, including icons, sliders, toggles, flip boxes, and much more.

Among other block elements (and there’s tons of them!), Multi has some features that are especially unique for a WordPress page builder. Those include deeplink hiding, or buttons with custom phone click tracking options.

Multi Builder blocks have options to create pixel perfect design

As we have already mentioned, Multi Builder comes with limitless layout and configuration possibilities. Apart from the number and diversity of different building blocks, there are plenty of styling options for each one of them.

Here are some examples:

To style buttons, you can set the colors and hover colors, gradients, shape and size, border, shadow, animations, and more. For each text-based block, such as headlines, text or special headings, there is a wide set of typography options. Moreover, you can position each page element precisely, using margins and padding.

Pixel perfect web design has never been easier!

Multi Builder generates less CSS code than other page builders

Every Multi block is fully optimized with regard to the amount of CSS code it generates. What’s more, it can be easily minified to a single file, using a plugin such as Autooptimize. And when the website is viewed on a mobile device, only mobile CSS is generated, which ensures a smooth, fast experience.

Multi Builder generates CSS and JavaScript code for blocks only if you use them on your page. Thanks to this there will be no unused CSS or JavaScript code on your website.

Multi Builder

But it gets even better:

Most of the Multi page elements can also be styled globally through the Theme Customizer. It’s another notable feature that makes Multi stand out from other page builders out there. You can save time by setting the default colors or typography, and it generates even less code.

Multi Builder is ultra optimized for SEO and Core Web Vitals

Multi is a theme perfectly optimized for SEO, developed with a performance-first and the mobile-first approach. It has a super clean and semantic code structure with no inline CSS. It meets every modern SEO condition, such as Table of Contents, Deeplink Hider, HTML sitemap, or even lazy loading for Google Maps.

Multi also provides SEO friendly related posts, fully customizable breadcrumbs, and categories widgets. And Multi Builder’ Toggle block has Schema.org integration (question/answer).

No need to pay for automatic page builder updates

Some themes that come with a page builder plugin (such as Visual Composer plugin), require paid automatic updates. But that’s not the case with Multi.

With a single Multi Theme purchase, you get guaranteed access to lifetime free Multi Builder updates. No fuss, and no extra costs.

Now over to you – what is your favourite thing about Multi Builder?