
Multi includes customizable types of icon sets. It’s possible to control things like colors (background, text, border), put icon in the circle, choose alternative styles, use different sizes, use useful marketing badges, create special titles with icons and so much more. Create your astonishing website with icons from Multi.

Icons icon 1

The Most Powerful
Theme on the Planet

Multi’s goal is to help you build beautiful looking, highest quality code, unique and modern websites – easy, fast and with the lowest cost possible. With MultiPurpose you can create many unique style websites for differends needs and purposes.

Icons icon 2

With Multi,
the sky is the limit

Multi includes carefully-tailored pages and demos aimed at specific business, like: agency, hotel, restaurant, hosting, church, wedding, landing page, selling page, lead page and more. Every week new demos are added based on the Customer needs and current trends to keep the Multi fresh and growing forever.

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SEO and UX
Best Practices Used

We are employing microdata have clean and semantic structure, speed optimized code, custom SEO friendly widgets like categories and pages like sitemap, inteligent related posts in order to get the content indexed and ranked by search engines in the best possible way.

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HD Video Tutorials

See the many tutorials that Multi has to offer.

Icons icon 5

Extensive Documentation

Easily accesible, these detailed instructions are a easy read.

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Support/Community Forum

Use our forum to find answer or ask questions.

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Free & Regular Updates

New thematic demos added every week.

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5 Star Support

Dedicated support team can help you with troubleshooting or provide tutorials and useful information. Save time by sending your support request and get help quickly.

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Tons of Pages to Customize

Take advantage of the pages and elements already built for you: About us, Services, Team, Pricing Tables, Testimonials, FAQ and more. Customize them all as you wish.

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Powerful Set of Elements

Multi Elelments plugin gives a very handy access to about 60 Gutenberg blocks that will help you create your great website. Create your website easily in the WP editor!

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Social Options

Multi includes set of popular social media icons you can choose from. It’s also possible to customize the look of social icons, for example dark, colored, rounded or square.

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bbPress Forums
with BuddyPress

If you need forums then just use bbPress plugin. If you need to create social networking website then you can use BuddyPress plugin. Multi is ready for both of them. Customize them all as you wish.

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Customizable Footer

Customize columns, colors, typography, patterns, widgets and elements like menus, copyright text menu or social media links. Use different widgets or just simple basic text – you decide.

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Page Builder

Create pages easily with drag and drop page builder

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Friendly Support

Full time dedicated support staff happy to help you

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Free and Regular Updates

New thematic demos added every week.

Font icons

5 Star Support

Dedicated support team can help you with troubleshooting or provide tutorials and useful information. Save time by sending your support request and get help quickly.

Tons of Pages to Customize

Take advantage from the pages and elements already built for you: About us, Services, Team, Pricing Tables, Testimonials, FAQ and more. Customize them all as you wish.

Powerful Set of Shortcodes

Motive Shortcodes plugin gives a very handy access to about 40 shorcodes that will help you create your great website. Using shorcodes you can create content boxes, tabs, toggles, and many more.

Page Builder

Create pages easily with drag and drop page builder

Friendly Staff

Full time dedicated support staff happy to help you

Free and Regular Updates

New thematic demos added every week.

Features List

5 Star Support

Tons of Pages to Customize

Powerful Set of Shortcodes

Visual Builder

Social Options

bbPress Forums with BuddyPress

Customizable Footer

Coming Soon

Headline with Custom Icon

Introducing Multi

Multi’s goal is to help you build beautiful looking, highest quality code, unique and modern websites – easy, fast and with the lowest cost possible.

Best Practices Used

We are employing microdata have clean and semantic structure, speed optimized code, custom SEO friendly and so much more.

The Sky is the Limit

Multi includes carefully-tailored pages and demos aimed at specific business, like: magazine, hotel, directory, agency and so much more.

Icon Sizes

Icons List

List of over 1 588 icons available to use alone or with different elements, like boxes.

Font Awesome Icon List




Area Chart





Multi Icon List







Icon set – choose the icon set from Multi, Font Awesome solid, Font Awesome regular and Font Awesome brand.

Icon – select the icon. You can use its name for an easier search.

Top margin – set the top margin.

Bottom margin – set the bottom margin.

Block position – set the block position to left, center or right.

Icon size – set the icon size.

Custom icon size (in px) – set the custom icon size. This option requires choosing custom size in icon size option dropdown menu above.

Icon color – set the icon color.

Background color – set the icon background color.

Switch your theme to Multi and feel the difference