
Campers enjoy fun evening programs and sleep in our cabins. All cabins are separated by both age and gender ensuring a fun atmosphere.



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I am a scrupulously trained and very experienced mountaineer certified by local authorities and mountain guide associations.

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Varying levels of difficulty

Every person is different and has different capabilities and likings. Every expedition I lead is thoroughly planned in advance.

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Adult and children groups

Hiking with your kids can be a life-changing experience for all of you.
I provide more difficult expeditions as well as trips suitable for children.

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I have over 25 years of personal and professional experience in mountain climbing. I guided both small and big groups.

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More than walking

Before every trip I provide a brief lecture regarding the route and the destination of the expedition, natural environment and safety.

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Highest safety standards

My clients’ safety is always the highest priority for every trip I organise. Every year I participate in professional safety and rescue trainings.


Trekking expeditions

A great adventure and challenge, with our experienced instructors’ assist and guidance.

Rock climbing

You can choose to climb across natural rock formations, as well as on one of ours artificial walls.

Avalanche training

An introductory course to avalanches occurence causes and risks, avalanche rescue, and more.


Conquer the greatest Southwest summits while our guides are managing all the risks involved.

Climbing school

Our company has over 10 years of experience in teaching climbing to children and adults.


Explore the national park and its spectacular scenery by paddling trough the Southwest Lake.


Alex Palmer

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Alex PalmerCustomer

Jessica Lawson

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Jessica LawsonCustomer

Alex Palmer

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Alex PalmerCustomer

Jessica Lawson

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Jessica LawsonCustomer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to become a certified rock climber?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • Are mountain guide and mountain leader the same thing?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • Is being a mountain guide safe?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • What to bring to a mountain tour?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • How do I become a mountain guide at Multi?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

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