Welcome to

We’re a community striving for deepening the relationship with God, understanding people around us, and helping those in need.


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Our Sunday are held at 4pm. During summer there is an additional 1 pm service.

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We are a thriving, caring community, always giving back to those in need.

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A priest is available for Confession during sunday masses or by appointment.

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We offer the sacraments of Marriage, Baptism and First Communion for children.


Sunday services

Our Sunday masses fulfill the Sunday obligation and are held at 4 pm. During summer there is an additional 1 pm service.

Midweek services

Our midweek masses are held from Monday to Friday at 6 pm in St. John’s chapel. The Confession is by appointment only.


You will be invited to attend to the pre-marriage course offered by our community and establish the documentation.


Parents seeking to have their child baptised should contact the sacristy and attend the parent meeting once a week.

First Communion

Children aged 3-10 are invited to join the First Communion Program which starts in October and runs untill May.


A priest is available for Confession during sunday masses or by individual appointment in the St. John’s chapel.


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Alex Palmer

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Alex PalmerCustomer

Jessica Lawson

“Multi is Awesome! Everything I needed for my business is in here. Best, high-quality design, unique SEO features and lightweight code. Drag and drop website builder with live preview and over 50 useful elements is easy to use and works great! Multi is more powerful that you think. 100% recommended for all.”

Jessica LawsonCustomer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When do church bells ring?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • Are church weddings free?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • Does your church support missions?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • How do I join the church?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

  • What time is your Sunday service?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur quam nec ornare lacinia. Aliquam dapibus cursus faucibus. Proin egestas suscipit eleifend. Praesent facilisis lectus purus, in rutrum ante cursus vitae. Pellentesque pharetra, nunc ut aliquam ornare, elit justo vehicula tortor, vel varius magna erat id risus. Curabitur accumsan lectus libero, eget blandit enim fermentum et.

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